ここでは、ACCA試験の基礎知識科目、F3 Financial Accounting について説明しています。
- 財務報告(Financial Reporting)の目的とその中身を説明できる。
- 勘定科目などの財務情報がそれぞれ何を意味しているか、また、その定義を説明できる。
- 複式簿記を使用し、実際に問題を解くことができる。
- 通常の取引や突発的な取引を会計として記録することができる。
- 試算表を作成することができる。
- 企業やその他団体組織の基本的な財務諸表を作成できる。
A The context and purpose of financial reporting
- The reasons for, and objectives of, financial reporting
- Users’ and stakeholders’ needs
- The main elements of financial reports
- The regulatory framework
B The qualitative characteristics of financial information and the fundamental bases of accounting
- The qualitative characteristics of financial reporting
- Alternative bases used in the preparation of financial information
C The use of double-entry and accounting systems
- Double-entry book-keeping principles including the maintenance of accounting records and sources of information
- Ledger accounts, books of prime entry, and journals
- Accounting systems and the impact of information technology on financial reporting
D Recording transactions and events
- Sales and purchases
- Cash
- Inventory
- Tangible non-current assets
- Depreciation
- Intangible non-current assets and amortisation
- Accruals and prepayments
- Receivables and payables
- Provisions and contingencies
- Capital structure and finance costs
E Preparing a trial balance
- Trial balance
- Correction of errors
- Control accounts and reconciliations
- Bank reconciliations
- Suspense accounts
F Preparing basic financial statements
- Balance sheets
- Income statements
- Events after the balance sheet date
- Accounting for partnerships
- Cash flow statements (excluding partnerships) 6. Incomplete records